Kaitlyn Callow
Software — Leadership — Systems Architect — DevOps
I help companies grow and thrive
I have more than 15 years' experience developing software products from prototype to production and beyond.
Food for search engines: Programming, Databases, Systems Design, DevOps, AWS, PHP, MySQL, Mobile, Cloud, Distributed, UX, UI, Design, Front-End, Back-End, Apache, Nginx, Linux, OpenGL, WebGL, Jira, Git, Slack, C#, Java, MSSQL, C++, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, Layout, Planning, Prototyping, ElasticBeanstalk, EC2, RDS, Amplify, Route53, Lamba, IoT, LwM2M, Particle.io, Android, iOS

My Work
EXACT Technology
Concrete monitoring platform. Real-time data services, hardware products, and suites of tools for managing concrete. Initially hired as the Track Product Lead focusing on digital tools that capture all aspects of planning, qc, and scheduling. After 2 years I am now in a Tech Lead position overseeing all software teams.
- Python
- React
- React Native

Cevnn Payments
Payment gateway service with integrations for commonly used checkout carts. I was hired to move the product beyond the prototype stage and get the team established. We had significant growth in the year I was working there.
- React
- NodeJS

Law tools and services for collaboration, knowledge capture, organization, and document assembly. I prototyped a new product called Paperchaser which enabled legal document assembly, review / signing, and tracking.
- React

Bitcurve Systems
Software agency, digital design & development studio. Wide range of clients. Largely medical industry projects as well as work for government agencies. Planned and produced more than 35 software products from concept to production.
- Linux
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Java
- C#
- PhoneGap
- WebGL

Seneca College
Developed a blackberry application with the Center for Development of Open Technology. Coded modern style swipe gestures and screen transitions that were not yet supported by BlackBerry OS. Produced interactive training materials for the Center for Academic Excellence.
- BlackBerry
- Java
- Photoshop
- Processing
- JavaScript
- PhoneGap

Book printing company, worked in I.T. migrating data and code from old systems to newer web technologies and languages.
- ASP.net
- MS Access
- Excel
- VBScript

Lambton College
Prepared internal tools for administration as part of the I.T. team.

This is various personal projects I've done that I want to keep records of. Still filling this in.